Mina and Anže are the most incredible photographers! They are so much fun to work with and manage to capture the most magical shots of even the most fleeting of moments. They shot both our pre-wedding shoot and our wedding weekend in Slovenia. We are in absolute awe of their ability and dedication to capture the perfect shot, and deeply in love with their unique and beautiful style. They managed to capture the raw emotion and energy of every moment, which transports us back to our wedding every time we flip through the album.
They are the nicest people you will meet. All our guests loved them and it felt like they were a part of our wedding celebrations. We literally felt like we were being photographed by our close friends. They work exceptionally well as a team, and manage to catch unbelievable moments which would just be impossible with a single photographer.
Look no further - you have found the best wedding photographers in the world!
Lahko za vedno ostaneva ujeta v najlepšem trenutku? Lahko najslajši poljub traja večno? Lahko za vedno ohraniva občutek te najbolj vroče ljubezni, najiskrenejšega navdušenja in pravega veselja? Nekateri bi rekli, da je to nemogoče in da je najlepše trenutke doživiš le enkrat. Vendar jih ob fotografijah lahko podoživljamo znova in znova – ob fotografijah, ki nastanejo s popolnim občutkom za ujemanje čustev; pravih, najpomembnejših trenutkov; najmanjših, a tako pomembnih detajlov in tiste popolne atmosfere, ki preveva najlepši dan. Romina in Anže popolnoma obvladata svoje področje, že od prvega trenutka jima lahko popolnoma zaupaš, da bodo fotografije najlepše, a hkrati drugačne od del katerihkoli drugih fotografov. Zaznamovane so s posebnim pečatom, samosvojim umetniškim pogledom predvsem pa sposobne vzbujanja občutkov, za katere misliš, da jih lahko občutiš le ti, vendar se vseeno popolno izrazijo tudi v fotografiji. Trenutki na njunih fotografijah so tako zapisani v večnost in ob gledanju vedno znova zaživijo – ob njih ponovno začutim to sladkost poljuba, to toplino ljubezni in moč vseh čustev, ki naredijo poročni dan tako poseben.
Anže and Mina photographed both our engagement shoot and wedding elopement in Italy. During our search for wedding photographers we fell in love with their style and how they capture such pure moments. Not only are we in love with every photo they took they really made the day fun and were very professional. It can be nerve-racking to hire someone in a different country however they were always prompt in their communication and we always felt comfortable during every step of the process.
We had the pleasure of booking Mina and Anze for our Slovenian Wedding this summer. We recommend these guys very highly for your special day. They are super professional, hard working and very friendly. We are very happy with our photographs they are beautiful and capture everything perfectly. Thank you both again for everything you did! They are the nicest people you will meet. All our guests loved them and it felt like they were a part of our wedding celebrations. We literally felt like we were being photographed by our close friends. They work exceptionally well as a team, and manage to catch unbelievable moments which would just be impossible with a single photographer.